New Free Demo Out!

A major update to the free demo is now out. The artist and I are both really excited to showcase what we've been working on since the last public release.

The first thing you'll notice is the improved artwork. New scenes have been added, and other scenes have been redrawn. The animated sex scenes have been completely overhauled in the game, and for the new demo we went back into the prologue to update some of the early artwork that no longer fit. The intro sex scene is now full animated with 6 different camera angles. The accompanying writing has also been improved. Lucine's first sex scene has also been completely replaced, and again with multiple camera angles as the scene progresses. More improvements will be coming as we progress.

The next thing you'll notice are the changes and additions to the main story. Remi's role in the main plot has been expanded on, and the end of the prologue is now much clearer and flows better. Dialogue and narration have been improved throughout the story, and new game systems have been added.

In day 1 you'll see an early version of the new overhauled choice system, something that will be expanded on soon. Choices now feel more impactful, and now characters track their overall opinions of the player character through a more nuanced points system. The romance routes now center around identifying a character's fundamental wants and needs as you move forward in the story, and making choices that form their opinion of you.

Overall there's still a ton of work do do but this is a massive upgrade. More polish and refinement will be coming out soon, so stay tuned. Check out our Discord for the most up to date progress.


Refuge of Embers Demo 0.10h - Windows/Linux
Apr 23, 2023
Refuge of Embers Demo 0.10h - Android
Apr 23, 2023
Refuge of Embers Demo 0.10h - Mac
Apr 23, 2023

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