Version 0.10 Public Release

Version 0.10 is now public. This version represents a major milestone for the project as we move from alpha into beta. It includes a complete overhaul of the entire existing story and artwork, plus about double the story content over version 0.09 which completes the events of the prologue. All major game systems are finished and saves should be stable from here.

Version 0.10 Changelog:

 • Biggest update released to date, project moved from alpha to beta
 • Completed story events through the end of Act-I with 5 paths
 • All core systems completed and save stable
 • Music and sound effects now implemented
 • Time of day added with colormatrix modifier for sprites
 • Implemented a hidden effigy minigame that will eventually unlock bonus scenes
 • Added censored mode to video options for content creators and possibly the Amish
 • Added missing Raisa hickey story sequence
 • Removed several unnecessary liminal scenes
 • Removed or replaced on-the-nose and unnecessary dialogue
 • Added new sprite accessories into script
 • Added more pose animations to existing scenes
 • Updated gallery thumbnail images to new artwork
 • Added all new and existing scenes to the gallery
 • Added MC poses, clothing, and faces to the sprite viewer
 • Created sprite for new character Goddess Vera
 • Created Vera's faces (6 eyes, 7 mouths)
 • Eryn sprite beautification (Remade breasts)
 • Eryn sprite outfit (Remade sleep shirt)
 • Eryn sprite accessory (Mirror-able bag)
 • Added new Eryn pose (Holding effigy)
 • MC sprite rework (Fixed mirror hair)
 • Added new MC sprite effect (Hickey)
 • Added new story scene (Candle scene in intro)
 • Added new story scene (Drinking with Remi, 8 eyes, 13 mouths)
 • Added new story scene (Effigy in bonfire)
 • Added new story scene (Rhame sighting, 2 mouths)
 • Added new story scene (Rhame on cliff, 3 poses, 2 backgrounds)
 • Added new animated story scene (Remi defeating enemy, depth of field and loop)
 • Added new story scene (Remi standoff, 2 poses)
 • Added new animated story scene (claw slash)
 • Added new story scene (Remi wounded)
 • Added new story scene (MC attacking)
 • Added new story scene (MC wounded, 4 poses, 3 eyes, 2 mouths)
 • Added new Eryn scene (Festival romance, 3 poses, 6 arms, 20 eyes, 26 mouths, 3 effects)
 • Added new Lena scene (Festival romance, 2 poses, 11 eyes, 9 mouths, 1 effect)
 • Added new Lucine scene (Festival romance, 10 eyes, 8 mouths, 1 effect)
 • Added new Lucine animated h-scene (Titjob at festival, loop and climax)
 • Added new Raisa scene (Festival romance, 7 eyes, 9 mouths)
 • Added new Raisa animated h-scene (Blowjob at festival, loop and climax)
 • Added new Rithe scene (Festival romance, 9 eyes, 16 mouths)
 • Added new Rithe animated h-scene (Handjob at festival, loop and climax)
 • Remade animated Lucine handjob h-scene (loop and climax)
 • Remade Vera intro scene (2 mouths, animated motes, added parallax effect)
 • Reworked title screen with new logo
 • Reworked intro video with new game logo
 • Reworked MC's face & body on market work scenes
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's hair color
 • Reworked Eryn's face on intro scene (2 eyes, 3 mouths)
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's faces and bodies on creek undressing scene (5 eyes, 5 mouths)
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's faces and bodies on first creek bathing scene (8 eyes, 17 mouths)
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's faces and bodies on second creek scene part one (5 eyes 6 mouths, 2 effects)
 • Reworked Eryn's body on second creek scene part two
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's hair color on third creek scene, changed to new parallax system
 • Reworked MC body size on Eryn Effigy scene
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's faces and bodies on creature sighting scene (2 eyes, 3 mouths)
 • Fixed Eryn having 2 left feet in the sleep scene
 • Reworked Eryn's body & MC's face on third creek scene (4 eyes, 9 mouths)
 • Reworked light and shadows on Lena firewood scene part 2
 • Reworked Lena's body on creature sighting scene
 • Reworked Eryn & MC's hair color on Lucine fence scene (2 poses)
 • Reworked Raisa intro scene to include Eryn's bag (2 poses)
 • Added new background MC living room evening
 • Added new background MC bedroom evening
 • Added new background MC bedroom night (Optional lanterns and doors)
 • Added new background MC's yard evening
 • Added new background forest evening
 • Added new background forest trail evening
 • Added new background town road night (Optional streetlights)
 • Added new background market evening
 • Added new background market festival night
 • Added new background shrine ruins
 • Added new background shrine ruins festival night
 • Animated the cow on Lucine's farm to bring joy to the hearts of millions
 • Changed game system icon to the new logo
 • Created 5 unique character effigies for the hidden effigy minigame (Eryn, Lena, Lucine, Raisa, Rithe)
 • Hid those 5 effigies throughout the game in various scenes
 • Created new animated particle system to fix performance issues
 • And probably more that I don't remember


Refuge of Embers Demo 0.10h - Windows/Linux
Apr 23, 2023
Refuge of Embers Demo 0.10h - Mac
Apr 23, 2023
Refuge of Embers Demo 0.10h - Android
Apr 23, 2023

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